Mexico Dangerous?

I’m going to show you 2 pictures of what
happened to us the last few days.

But before that, my apologies for not keeping you updated about our journey “Explore Freedom”

It has been over a month ago I’ve written you about it.

Now don’t think we didn’t experience a lot in those days. We did!

It has been a very busy month actually, visiting friends and family in Texas before we crossed the border with Mexico.

MEXICO? many will think….

Mexico is dangerous!

Well that’s true, there are places and things you absolutely should avoid. And even then….bad things can happen. And I’m already talking from experience.

Some bad people run into our RV to rip us of. Fortunately I could show them on my dash cam, which has a cam on the back aswell, that their car was already damaged when they ran into our side.

When we started calling the police, the ran off. Leaving us with some damage on the RV. But he…this could happen everywhere and we won’t allow one bad experience ruin our day.

Now back to the pictures…

We have been in Mexico for a few days now and the people here are great!

We have been invited by 2 separate families to park our RV on their terrain for a few days.

We particularly enjoy parking our rig with families.

The whole intention of our journey is to experience other cultures. Meet new friends.

When you go from campsite to campsite you meet tourists. We want to meet people from all layers of society from that actual country.

So here is where we are now.

Teresa and her husband Jorge invited us to park the RV in her garden in Santiago. A beautiful little town in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.

Their house and garden are spectacular and today she made us a typical Mexican breakfast. So good!!

But here is the other side of Mexico…..

The days before we parked our RV on a terrain of a family in a small town called Hidalgo. The contradictions between poor and rich in Mexico speak for them self in these 2 pictures!

These people have absolutely nothing! They own a little piece of land and work every day to buy bricks, concrete and second hand building materials like windows and doors.

It takes them years to build the little house of their dreams, owning only a hammer, a shuffle and saw to build it with. But even when there are no doors, windows or even roofs on it, they live in it with their family.

We stayed here 2 days extra to help them build and we organized a BBQ for their whole family.

But as little as they have….. they shared everything with us aswell!

Don’t let the things you see on the news about Mexico brainwash you!

The Mexicans are very nice, hospitable and humble people who are proud of their country and traditions. No matter from what layer of society they are.

And they love to share good times with you, whoever you are, where ever you are from. As long as you treat them with respect.

We are looking forward to our stay in Mexico!

And the way it looks…..we will be here for a while!

Keep you posted.